Emissions of Bio Ethanol


With the main emissions of bio ethanol fuel fire places being water vapour and C02, C02 at such a minimal level it could be compared to burning several candles in the home and doesn’t burn hot enough to produce harmful substances like monoxide.

Bio ethanol fuel is a clean and renewable energy  that is made from fermenting sugars and starches of the by-product of plants, examples of this are corn, potato and wheat.


co2 from bio ethanol

Mounting a TV Near a Bio Ethanol Fireplace

Can a Tv be mounted above a bio ethanol fire place ?

The answer is yes however care must be given to ensuring the fires heat does not come in to contact directly or indirectly, an option would be to put the TV in to a recess and using a non flammable mantle, such as class 0 A1 rated fireproof board, cement board or a sensible stone such as marble. always consider the direction the heat is travelling.

One sensible solution would be to select a bio ethanol fireplace with a closed top, again this is to prevent any heat damage , but open or closed thankfully bio ethanol fireplaces to do not emit smoke so this is one less element to be concerned about.


luxury tv above ethanol fire

Using Bio Ethanol Safely

You can use bio ethanol safely, there is not a danger from carbon dioxide as the amount produced is a total minimal amount.  With no smoke, ash or carcinogenic substance to worry about.


Please take care when handling our fuel and your bio ethanol fuel burner. The product can only be safe if it is handled in a sensible manner. Bio Ethanol fires produce real flames, flames that are hot and powerful, therefore fantastic for heating rooms in a controlled manner.